Monday, October 8, 2012

Day 8: Don't Make Your Bed

 Today's little piece of advice is something I read shortly after Javi was born. Don't make your bed. During those first few weeks, you need to sleep whenever you can. An unmade bed sings a siren call... come sleep in me, I’m so comfy! :-)  I started doing this because I would definitely rationalize myself OUT of taking a nap because I would just have to make the bed again. Crazy talk! Must have been the sleep deprivation. :) 

(Not my bed)

I am a huge proponent of making your bed to make the room feel tidy, it's one of the simplest things you can do to bring instant order to a messy room. But in this case, a made bed is just one more excuse why you shouldn’t lie down.  For a goal oriented, task master person like me, not making my bed felt like a sin, but it definitely made my life easier! Go ahead, don't make your bed!


  1. Jennifer Hale McGinnOctober 8, 2012 at 8:44 AM

    This one cracks me up, as it totally highlights the differences between us.  I almost never make the bed, and a made bed would not deter me in the slightest from taking a nap!! It's good that I have friends like you, because without someone to hold the bar up there, I'd never get my feet off the ground :)

    More about the sleeping thing, though…I wasn't able to nap during the day, as my girl barely slept at all…but I did have to make myself go to bed at 7 or 8 and let others get her to sleep at that point so I could get a few hours in before her 10ish feeding. Being a night owl, going to bed at 8 pm is hard, no matter how tired I am! So that was a challenge.

  2. jen, being the "grownup" and going to bed when there is fun happening is totally no fun. :) I hear you on that.
