Friday, October 12, 2012

Day 12: By Two Years Old


My two week old slept through the night!
My nine month old is running half marathons!
My four month old eats cereal, applesauce and puffs like a champ!
My baby pottytrained in a day and a half!

My girlfriend gave me these very wise words "every baby is walking, talking and eating by two. Everything between those first few weeks and their two year old birthday  is pretty flexible, so don't worry about it…or brag about it…" 

Wise words from that girl, let me tell you. I've repeated them to many of my friends, and to myself, over and over. It’s so easy to start the never ending comparison train. And, so dangerous.

Babies are individuals, and they are going to develop at their own pace. There is little you can do to “accelerate” them. Yes, you can sleep train. You can feed them wholesome food so their little bodies grow big and strong. You can give them tummy time every day so that they develop their gross motor skills. But at the end of the day, it still comes down to how your little babe’s DNA is programmed to develop. So don’t compare your baby to other babies, good or bad. Be thankful for your awesome, unique little one and enjoy the stage they’re in. Don’t stress about it, and don’t brag about it. Just enjoy it!


  1. Love this advice. Mommies can be very competitive, unfortunately.  My sister and I have twice had babies right around the same time and, while we don't do this, our husbands tend to compare the kids' development, which made her husband worry because their kids are late bloomers for all the physical milestones (walking, sitting up, crawling, etc) while mine have always been early or average.  For instance, my daughter learned to walk when she was 11 months old and my nephew (who is 6 weeks older) learned to walk when he was 17 months old.  Yet, if you looked at them when they were 2, you would never have been able to guess who walked first.  It really doesn't matter!
