Monday, January 25, 2016

Keilana Kids Around Vol. 1


I'm trying to ease into my week, after the crazy two weeks we just had. We drove cross country because Lover's grandpa passed away, and spent two weeks with family. We had an awesome time, but after 50 hours stuck in a van with three little ones, I am giving us all a couple days of grace to get back to normal life. I'm working on a couple of meatier posts, one about our travels over the Christmas break, and the other about some things God is teaching me, but they're not quite ready yet.

So in the meantime, here are some of our favorite quips from our resident sass expert, Keilana. :)

"Mommy, I yike your arm." 


"Mommy, take off my jacket. But not off my 'nana (banana). My 'nana no have a jacket!"


"Hooway! I found a coiny!"


Me: "KK, we have to go home now."
Keilana: "But I want to see the monkeys!"
Me: "I know, but it's late, and mommy's tired."
Keilana: "Maybe we can go really fast, and just see one?"


"Everybody clap your hands! Oh. On a cheeseburger."


KK: "Mommy, can I get down?"
Me: "Peanut, can you drink some more milk first? You need to grow some more"
-drinks milk-
KK: "Me not bigger yet!"


To Poppa: "Ow! You have ouchy cheeks!"


Screaming hysterically: "Hep me tak off dis Javi jacket, so me won't be a boy!"