Friday, February 27, 2009

Friday Fav: Reading

I have always been a fanatic about reading. My mom says I started reading when I was three or four (really!) and I haven't stopped since then. I used to have just about every single book in our house memorized, and despite our weekly library outings, I was always desperate for reading material. I even remember trying to read a book about marriage when I was 8 years old, I was that desperate. :-)

That said, I am super excited about the lineup I have for Tampa. Oh, did I mention I was going to Florida? For four weeks? In March? Yeah, I know you're jealous. Hee hee. Anyways, these are the books I have tucked aside for my vacation;

I'm anticipating that this will be very convicting, bring it Mrs. Pearl! 
My friend Sara lent me this one, thanks Sara!

Also, from Sara, a book I've wanted to read for a while. I've always been inspired by Amy Carmichael, and I love Elizabeth Elliot's writing. 

And lastly, hopefully this book will help me improve my photography! I'll be practicing lots down there in sunny Florida!
Oh, and three of these four books count towards one of my 2009 goals; to read 12 non-fiction books this year. Yay!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Three Things to Work On

Although I do try to keep this blog restricted to house content, there are three things I am trying to improve in my day to day life and my housekeeping skills. I thought I would blog about them in an effort to keep me accountable. :-) I'll letcha know how it goes. 
  1.  First of all, I am trying to work on the clutter that accumulates on all surfaces/tabletops on the first floor.  
  2. Second of all, I really have to keep the dishes at bay. We don't have a dishwasher, but as there are only two of us, I really have no excuse.

  3. Third, I need to drink more water. I was good about this when I was working, but not so much at home. 

Soon to come, the ways I am going to solve these problems!! Stay tuned!

Thursday, February 19, 2009

It's Glamorous, and Romantic!

Warning, this will be a long post! However, the transformation from dreary and dark,
to romantic and beautiful, is well worth your time. I promise!
Of the three available bedrooms in the house, we chose the one to the left of the stairs for the following reasons:

  • It was closest to the bathroom :0)

  • It had the least amount of work needed to be "liveable" right away

  • It was the nicest.

And of course, every master bedroom must be the nicest in the house, right? Right.

The problems facing us in this "red room" were multiple. Red, red carpet, that was gross. Peach paint on the walls, and ceiling, 80's wallpaper, outdated light fixtures, fugly miniblinds, and UGLY closet doors. Seriously, the closet doors reminded me of something from a seedy motel from the 60s. I swore "Those closet doors will be the first thing to go!" Hmm. I definitely should not considering a career as a prophetess. I also shouldn't swear. So we embarked on our mission to de-uglify the room.

1. We ripped out the red, red carpet, finding hardwoods in good shape underneath. They'll need to be refinished, but they're not bad.

2. Jon and Steph helped us remove the 80's wallpaper, only to expose ORANGE paint beneath. We have since decided that the previous owners were on crack. Had to be. :o)

So, we exposed all of the orange wall, and then slapped on a coat of $6 white paint on the ceiling, and $6 antique white on the walls. We learned two things from this first project: 1) $6 paint is crap. Seriously, save your money, and buy good paint from the blue store or the orange store.  2)Antique white just looks like dirty white. Not exactly mood inspiring for a bedroom.

However, we had more important matters to attend to in the house, so we moved in the bed, put up some new lights, and called it a day. (Note: I did not say, ripped out closet doors) This is how the bedroom looked last March: (1)
Then, one afternoon in early summer I decided I had had enough of a room with no ambience, and promptly accomplished 2a and 2b: we bought a real, grownup bed, rearranged the furniture, and hung curtains from our old apartment. (The blinds were still up though) This made the room liveable until January 2009, which is when we finally pretti-fied the room.

The following pictures show you the graphic before and afters, in which we tried to maintain roughly the same angles as the first shots, so you get a good idea of the improvements.




Closeup of 80's wallpaper: :o)

Much improved, no? As I mentioned, we replaced those half moon sconces with these pretty little guys, and they're on a dimmer, so they're oh-so-romantic. 

Here's a few more shots for your viewing pleasure:

So to sum up, this is what we accomplished in this room in the first year:

  • Painted walls and ceiling

  • Painted walls and ceiling, again. Better this time.

  • Replaced half moon sconces with pretty sconces.

  • Replaced metal mini blinds with drapes and a roman shade.

  • Bought a real! bed

  • Ripped out icky carpet.

  • Put in new switchplates and outlet covers

  • Replaced dimmer switch.

Still to do in this room:

  • Replace the three outlets

  • Paint heater vent

  • Refinish floors

  • Redo closet wall  (we were gonna do that first, remember? hee hee)

  • Install baseboards

  • Buy new dressers


Wednesday, February 18, 2009

$$ Financial Freedom $$

With February quickly drawing to a close I have been reviewing our 2009 goals, specifically our financial goals. This has lead me to think about the things we do to experience our own financial freedom. Here are some of the things I came up with:
  • Our budget, when we spend the allotted amount in each category, is less than our take-home pay. This seems like a simple concept, but it's harder to actually do than to type.
  • We have a mortgage that we have set up to repay in 15 years. The increased amount is automatically taken out with the actual mortgage payment, so it just seems like our payment is higher. We don't miss the money, and the benefit will be completely owning our home in 14 more years.
  • We have an emergency fund, set aside where we don't see it everyday, which gives great peace of mind.
  • We have no other debt besides our mortgage and a small student loan. We took out the loan my last semester of college to boost our credit score. Not having credit card debt, a car payment or any financing means that we are in control of more of our own money and don't have to worry about making payments.
Other things we do to experience financial freedom:
  • Having a car fund that would allow us to go out and buy a car for Luke tomorrow if needed. This is very important because if Luke does not have a car, he cannot do his job.
  • Health insurance and 401(k) contributions come out before we get the paycheck deposited. We don't miss the money, and these two very important items are taken care of almost unconciously.
  • We have about a month's worth of meat in the freezer, and a well stocked pantry. If Luke did lose his job, we could live off of the food in the house for quite a while, further reducing our expenses.
Each thing on its own is not enough to experience financial peace of mind. But together, they mean that we spend less time stressing about money, and more time enjoying what we do have.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Friday Fav: Cafe Au Lait!

I have to say I am very excited to have finally found what I think will be the perfect coffee scented candle. 
Back story:  While I love the smell of coffee brewing, I am not fond enough of coffee to make a pot of it everyday. (Translation: It would not be good for me or my marriage to encourage a possible, and probable caffeine dependency) What's a girl to do then?

Buy a wonderful smelling coffee candle, of course. It's strong, it's pure coffee smell, and it's a medium jar so it should last a long while. Thank you Yankee Candle!

Friday, February 6, 2009

Friday Favs: Tiny Campfire

How cute is this? We are hoping to do quite a bit of camping this summer, and I am looking forward to campfires, and hot dogs and smores... This little campfire tealight would be perfect to tuck into our picnic basket to enjoy in a park on one of our "drive till we want to stop" days. I'm thinking about trying to DIY (or would it be DIM, for do-it-myself?) as I have some clay left over from the snowmen I made for Christmas. We'll see...

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Mantel Makeover

This has got to be one of my favorite makeovers so far in our house. It really improved the look of the living room, and allowed the mantel to become the star of the room!
We started by tearing out the paneling above the built-in bookcases and the fireplace. Behind that paneling was plywood, and beneath that plywood was avocado green wallpaper. Under the wallpaper was the original plaster, but unfortunately we could only fix up the plaster on the side walls. The plaster on the front wall was too far gone. We also removed the "header" that housed the three fluorescent light fixtures, and all of the old wiring that ran to those lights. Ugh.

Then, we ran new wiring, installed the two ceiling fixtures on the sides and a halogen spot in the middle, and put up drywall to cover the sad, sad ceiling and back wall. After a few hours (days) of spackling and sanding, we were ready to prime and paint.

Here is the ghastly before:

And the much improved after:

Of course, there is still a bit of decorative moulding to install, and a couple of other minor things, but overall I'd say the mantel is now stellar!