Thursday, January 20, 2011

111 Things in 1/11: Week 3

It's week 3 of our month long purge, and boy did I get the ball rolling this week! :-) I got rid of a total of 45 things, and let me tell you, I am psyched. I have to admit, I had a few doubts at the beginning of this challenge that I would not be able to find 111 things to get rid of. However, it has NOT been a problem! I don't know whether to be happy or sad about that. :-) Anyways, here's the pile I had,

and here's the list of stuff that I got rid of.

1. Broken suitcase

2. Broken hanger

3 - 7. Shirts

8. Pair of boots

9 - 21. 13 pairs of socks

22 and 23. 2 bottles acnefree

24. Shirt

25. Sweatpants

26 and 27. Two pairs of pants

28. Sweater

29. Button Down Shirt

30. Linen jacket

31. Scarf

32. Bag of shirts for rags

33 and 34. Two travel books from AAA

35. How to Build Your Barn

36 - 38. Three other books

39. Muffin Tin

40 - 42. Three candle paraphenelia

43. BB Gun

44. Calendar

45. Random glass jar

That's a total of 101 things to date! (Which also means that I only have to get rid of 10 things next week. Hee hee) Now link up and show me what you are getting rid of!


  1. It's funny that we both zeroed in on getting rid of old socks this week. And . . . a BB gun?? =)

  2. Wow! Great job purging. Isn't it amazing what we have lying around?

  3. hey! I don't have anything to share this week, I work seven days then am off seven days so the weeks i work I don't get ANY kind of cleaning done :) I've been doing a lot of drug store shopping and have a bunch of things I need to organize into my bathroom and extra closet so I will have something next week :)

    have a great week

  4. We dropped off our bags at the Goodwill site today! We ended up with 172 items of clothing and 6 pairs of shoes. Whew! Can't tell you how 'light' we felt driving away. We have decided to continue with 111 Things Round 2 for February.
    This is an awesome idea. Thank you for sharing it with us! Anyone want to join in Round 2?????? Maybe...perhaps...well, think about it. :)
