Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Favs: Baby Titus

Another session that I never got around to posting on my old blog was this adorable little baby boy. We had a bit of trouble with little Titus as he really wanted to be held, not posed for pictures! But, in the end, we got him all settled in and sleeping, and got some great shots. He had the sweetest little nose that turns up a little! I've long said that once my business can support it, I am only photographing newborns. They are my absolute favorite. :-)

Isn't he just the sweetest thing? You should see him now, he's so big!

Linked to Finer Things Friday @ Kitchen Stewardship


  1. Those little feet are too precious! I know how it is to have a little one who just wants to be held. Enjoy the moments!
    :) Katie

  2. He is truly beautiful, but as his momma I am a little biased:) Thank you again for doing such a wonderful job on one of his fussy days.
    Sara Louise
