Tuesday, February 2, 2010

February Goals

Last month I didn't set any goals. *gasp* I know, it was a weird month. Truth be told, I was tired, and wanted to enjoy a month without the pressure of "I have to achieve this" It's a firstborn thing. I did lots of fun stuff like reading magazines, cleaning up holiday messes, working on the dining room and failing on my attempt to recover a lamp shade (more on that to come) But it was a good start to 2010.

Here are my 10 goals for February:
  1. Recover lampshades
  2. Read two classics
  3. Love my husband more each day, and tell him so!
  4. Make a fun Valentine's craft
  5. Blog every weekday
  6. Not complain about winter
  7. Take some fun pictures
  8. Continue working on the basement, and live to tell about it
  9. Draw something
  10. Entertain once or twice

There's a pretty good possibility that we'll be spending the last two weeks of February in New York City for Lover's work. If that is the case, I have a few additional goals:
  1. Go to an Anthropologie store
  2. Shop!
  3. Take tons of pictures of the city
  4. Shop!
  5. Find cool fabric for clothes and crafts
  6. Shop!
  7. Go to all the museums
  8. Shop!

Anybody watching Lost tonight? I'm on the fence. Part of me wants to watch the series one week at a time, and enjoy the suspense. The other part of me wants to wait till the season is over, so that I can watch the whole thing at once, without any breaks. Hmm....

P.S. Don't forget to come back tomorrow for my big news!


  1. I like your goals, especially number 3. I need to work on that myself.

  2. Oh, if you do make it to NY have a blast. Anthropologie is amazing - but nothing compares to an NYC anthro.

  3. I just don't know how you could wait on Lost. I think you should watch in real time- that way nothing can get spoiled for you on the internet. I really hate it when that happens. You could always just wait a day/hour so you can fast forward through commercials though.
