Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Fall Family Fun Festival

Last week, our church hosted a Fall Family Fun Festival. That's a lot of F's to type, especially when the F key on your keyboard is missing! It was a lot of fun taking the kids and watching Javi do "big kid" things. He's still at the age where he can play on a playground for hours, or line up his cars, or just going for a walk is super exciting, but it was fun to see him try to participate in more "planned" games. He was a good sport for it all, and really enjoyed himself, even though he looks so serious in these pictures. That's just his learning face. He studies everything very intently when he is trying to figure something out.

He gobbled down a bag of popcorn, but shared when asked, and I was so proud of him. Then he tried out the wheelbarrow rides. Such a fun idea. We got apples, caramel and cider, and he polished off a donut quicker than you can say "lickety split." He was game to try out the sack races...

And even lined up with all the kids, but when the race started he just stood there, in his sack. :) And then asked to get out. Maybe next year?

The teens at our church do great face painting, and we waited in line for Javi to get the Batman logo on his cheek. He was unsure about the whole thing while it was being painted, even though he was sitting with Daddy.

But then I took his picture and showed him, and his face lit up. Da na na na Batman! And all smiles. Too cute.

But what really captured all of his attention was the band in the middle of the commons. We have some amazingly talented musicians at our church and they were doing some fun "folksy" versions of old hymns with guitars, banjos and a bass - so fun. Javi has loved music since before he was born - we would go to a movie and he would do kicks and flips during the really good soundtracks.

He stood and listened to the music song after song, completely enraptured. Other people commented on how young he was to be enjoying music, he was just completely caught up in the songs. I often look in the mirror when we're driving and see him tapping his hands on his thighs to the beat of whatever song is on the radio.

I love to spend time wondering if Javi will be musical as he grows up, and if so, what his instrument of choice will be. I'm hoping maybe the violin? :)

If you're wondering, this is what Keilana did while at the festival. She didn't even want a donut. :)


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