Monday, April 25, 2011

Baby Elijah

Bellisima Photography's shoot schedule is all booked up for spring. I pretty much shut the business down from Christmas to April, as our weather here is yucky and any shoots I do schedule always get canceled due to weather/sickness. So I enjoy a few months off until the flowers come back out and people start thinking pretty pictures again.

My newest little newphew, Elijah, kicked off our spring shoot schedule. My sister and brother in law seriously make the cutest kids ever. I definitely vote for them continuing to produce tiny adorable creatures like this guy.

Elijah was such a unique baby. Most babies love the little basket I bring to bundle them into, he hated it. :-) But hanging out on his tummy at four days old? Loved it. So funny.

Once I settled him into this furry blanket, he was dead to the world. Seriously, the little dude slept like a champ for the remainder of the session. Little cutie pie. :-)

So there you have it. The newest little guy on the block, and he is adorable. :-) Lots more shoots in the next few weeks, so hopefully I will have lots to show you!

P.S. If you live in my area, and would like to schedule a session for your cute little ones, just shoot me an email. I'll fit you in as soon as I can! :-)


  1. Oh, oh, oh!!! I love the textures of the fabrics you put him on. And his little sleeping face--I just want to cover it with kisses!

  2. That picture with the hat is just too darn cute. What a darling little guy.
