Sunday, November 22, 2009

Dare to DIY: A Creative and Simple Table Setting

It's time for another Dare to DIY party! I am having so much fun creating stuff for these parties! Too bad there are only four left! This week's dare was... Dare to Entertain!

I could have set up the whole table for a big Thanksgiving dinner, but instead I made a pretty little setting for two. Lover and I love to have romantic dinners together, so I thought I'd set the scene for dinner. Lover will probably cook for this dinner, as he is the gourmet chef, I am just the regular chef who subs in every once in a while :-)

I purposely went for rich, saturated colors, as our everyday dishes are a smooth creamy color and I use a lot of neutral colors. Every once in a while I get in the mood for color and today was one of those days. :-) So we have big red dinner plates, mustard colored salad plates, and little fall colored bowls for soup.

The star of this table is the happy little centerpiece. Obviously, this is the time of year we focus on giving thanks, but you could easily adapt this idea for any time of year! The back row (Give) is held up with large pinecones, and it was super easy to slip the letters for Thanks into slits I cut into the apples. The apples are resting on split green peas on a tray that I made over about a month ago. I made the letters by printing out the words in MS Word, in the first font that caught my eye. I printed them on cardstock so they'd be a little sturdier.

Speaking of being thankful, as I looked at this table setting, I realized that almost everything there was a gift to us! The placemats were a Christmas gift from Lover's grandma, the plates from some dear friends of ours, the bowls and silverware were from my mom. The napkins were a wedding gift, and the little wine glasses were from Lover's mom. Isn't that neat? We are so blessed.

There are a couple of details that really make a table, in my opinion.

Real dishes. There's just no substitute for real dishes, glasses and silverware, and it really classes things up.

Real napkins. I usually just roll them up and slip them through napkin rings, but if you are feeling fancy (like I was today!) you can fold them in a pretty pattern. I found this site online with tons of ways to fold napkins.

Candles. Candles are indispensable, at least to me! These little amber glasses are holding tea lights, and they're doing a great job of bringing the ambiance and romance!

So there you have it. A simple yet creative table setting for two. Obviously you could adapt this for a whole table if you needed to. Now that you are done reading about my fun this week, go check out the other creative table settings!

Linked to the Dare to DIY Party @ Newlywoodwards

It's So Very Creative @ It's So Very Cheri

DIY Day @ A Soft Place to Land


  1. oooh the apples are so cute!!

  2. I love the combination of the dried peas, apples and pine cones. Great font, too!

  3. I love how you did the centerpiece. So crafy, clever and SIMPLE. I'm wondering why I didn't think of that! =) But so glad you did.

    Love the apples and love that they are set in some beans (or are they peas?).

    Thanks for joining in this week. You are so clever.

  4. Jenny @ Anything PrettyNovember 22, 2009 at 1:00 PM

    I love how all the colors work together and that centerpiece is so creative. Definitely will be filed under "going to try" folder.

  5. Great centerpiece, and I love all the natural elements you used!

  6. Kristen @ Miss Prissy PaigeNovember 22, 2009 at 1:50 PM

    I am loving your centerpiece with the apples and pine cones. What a great idea!!

  7. I totally agree on the real napkins. It is a million times classier and exciting to use the real thing. Someday, I will get around to using the napkins I have from my wedding...someday. :)

  8. You are so creative. Apples as a centerpiece, so clever. Nice work Jenny!

  9. I really like the apples and all the color saturation (I think that's how you worded it). But I especially LOVE that most everything was a gift!

  10. Your centerpiece is darling--and the color combo is beautiful.


  11. i love the give thanks apples! Awesome idea and it looks GREAT!

  12. Laurel @ Ducks in a RowNovember 23, 2009 at 6:20 AM

    Love the centerpiece - love the font you used! happy Thanksgiving.

  13. Ohh!! Cute, cute, cute. :) That centerpiece is awesome! Love the little pinecones too. Good job!

  14. I think my mom has those exact same cut glass goblets. They're some of my faves. Your napkin folding is so neat looking! I love the design you picked. Very pretty.

  15. Love the color, love the apples, love the napkins- love it! What great ideas that I will have to try!
