Wednesday, May 5, 2010

A Crazy Life

I know the blog has suffered lately, and to be honest, it hasn't really bothered me. We've kept a really, really hectic schedule the last three months, and there simply wasn't time for everything. That said, it has been an awesome couple of months that I wouldn't trade for anything. I am, however, looking forward to a quieter and more home bound schedule over the summer. I hope! Here's a look at what our life has been like for the last three months:

Sun Feb 14: Jet out to New York City for three weeks of  shopping bliss work .

Friday Feb 19: Head back home amidst a terrible snowstorm, broken hearted that an install got canceled and work was sending us back home.

Feb 20th- March 5th: Entertain delusions of working on basement, avoid working on basement all together.

Friday March 5th - Sunday March 7th: Surprise Lover with much needed get away weekend for some "us time." Sleep lots, eat good food, talk lots.

Thursday March 11: Welcome sister in law and sis-in-law's sister, as well as their beautiful children into our home.

March 12 - March 20: Sleep in living room on partially deflated air mattress while guests sleep in our room, brother sleeps in guest room, and in reality, very little sleeping is accomplished. Have great fun with chubby little nephew, discuss with Lover the probability of us having a child if it guarantees a happy baby like little nephew.

March 20 - March 30: Run around like chicken with head cut off preparing for missions trip to Spain.  Go to four different Walmarts trying to find requested items for family members in Spain. Assist brother with last minute apartment preparations as he gets ready to move out on April 1st.

Thursday, April 1:  Embark on 22 hour long trip to Spain, excited beyond all possible belief. Talk about how it's only been five years since I've been back, but it's been twelve years since Lover has been there.

April 2 - April 12th: Enjoy whirlwind trip to Spain. Try to stay awake throughout jam-packed schedule that includes getting up early and staying up late. Marvel at how little sleep a person really needs to survive. Eat lots of bread, and lots of pastries and drink lots of coffee. Wonder how it was possible to forget how good the food is in Spain.

April 13th: Try to pawn off tickets on anyone who will take them in order to stay in Spain. Admit failure, board US bound plane.

April 14th: Marvel at new level of exhaustion. Cry most of day about missing Spain. Try to get act together to leave town again in three days.

April 14 - 17th: Shop for food, cook dinner. Unpack.  Shop for shower gifts, birthday gifts and housewarming gifts. Attend church service. Have lunch with friend. Do laundry. Have coffee with different friend. Clean house. Start flower plants. Do more laundry. Attend prayer meeting. See brother's new apartment, give housewarming gifts to him and fiancee. Do photoshoot with uncooperative little one. Edit pictures, including ones never gotten to before Spain. Do even more laundry. Help cook birthday dinner for future sister in law, attend birthday party for said SIL. Attend bridal shower, edit more pictures, finish laundry, pack for NYC. Attend family dinner, finish packing.

April 18th: Board plane for NYC.

April 19th: Enjoy shopping in Manhattan. Realize that exhaustion has hit all time high. Take small afternoon nap. Spend evening in hotel room with Lover eating excellent pizza and watching shows. Fall asleep by 10:30pm.

April 20th: Decide to "take it easy." Sleep late, watch several movies and take a nap. Start to feel like a human once again.

April 21 - 25: Enjoy the busy city, have a fun weekend with Lover exploring flea markets and Brooklyn, do lots of shopping. Express amazement that there is still an entire week left away from home in which more shopping can be done.

April 26 - 30 : Decide that I really shouldn't spend more money or I'll undo all that hard savings work we've done. Enjoy lazy days at hotel, botanical gardens and museums. Do a teensy, weensy bit more shopping. ;-)

May 1: Arrive home, wondering where April went, and for that matter, March and February too. Make extensive list of "things to do". Get busy.

So that's where life has taken us the last few months. It has been amazing and awesome and exhausting. I'll be posting pictures next week of our trip to Spain, and maybe a few from NYC as well. Have a wonderful day!

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