Friday, January 1, 2010

Happy 2010!

Happy New Year to everyone out there! We enjoyed a lovely holiday week, mostly at home, relaxing, including last night. Our big New Year's excitement was popping the cork on a fizzed up bottle of sparkling apple cider (we decided to save the champagne for another night when we weren't so tired) and enjoying a quick toast. We spent a few days traveling this week, and we were pretty beat, so we hit the sack early. We're looking forward to a long weekend, and then it's back to business!

While I've enjoyed the last week off, I am eager to get back to the wonderful world of blogging. 2010 will be bringing some fun changes to Wendhurst Castle, as well as to our blog! Here are a few things you can look forward to in 2010:
  • Full basement remodel, including a new bathroom and laundry area.
  • Office remodel and makeover into my very own "sunshine" room.
  • Regular photography posts from my professional sessions.
  • Opening a shop for my photography
  • Improving the entire blog for a better reading experience
Those are just a few of the projects we'll be tackling around here in 2010. We thought 2009 was a pretty good year, so here's hoping 2010 is even better!

1 comment:

  1. Jenny @ Anything PrettyJanuary 1, 2010 at 6:25 AM

    Wow you guys are going to be busy! I can't wait to see all of your projects.
