Sunday, October 18, 2009

Trash to Treasure

Here's a quick little makeover that I am very excited about. For the past three years we've had a little plastic trashcan that fulfills its purpose wonderfully, but adds nothing aesthetically to the kitchen. I've occasionally contemplated purchasing a nicer, metal trashcan, especially when we were dog-sitting and that blasted dog got into the garbage at every opportunity.

But, I was completely unwilling to pay the ridiculous prices for said metal trashcan that I saw in stores. $30, $50, or even $100 for a can that holds all the smelly nasty stuff that I don't want anymore? No, I am not that fond of my garbage. Plus, there always seemed to be some other financial priority that was higher up than a new trashcan.

On top of all of that, there was the issue of sentimentality. See, Lover and I bought this little plastic trashcan the week we moved into our new apartment, right after we got married. Ah yes, that was a fun trip to Walmart, stocking up on mops, brooms, trashcans, toilet brushes, and all of the other things that make a house a home. You remember that time, don'tcha? That time when your lack of physical possessions makes you deliriously excited about the hand-me-down couch and the beat up end tables? When a Walmart run for household necessities is just so exciting? See, I think it is your very lack of physical possessions that reminds you why the two of you got married, because you simply chose to be together. You are together because you love each other, not because you have the most posh and polished trashcan. This is also why I like camping. You are removed from your "stuff" so you focus on "us." But I digress... :-)

In our little apartment the trashcan went under the sink. No mess, no dog problems, etc. Now, in Wendhurst Castle, the can doesn't fit under the sink, and it's, well, unattractive. And so, good old Goodwill saved me again, by providing me with a hide-and-hold silver trashcan from Target for a mere $9.99 Now we have no mess, no problems, and a pretty trashcan.

Oh, and the old plastic one? That went in the basement kitchen. We don't throw away sentimental things in this house, no sir!

Linked to Metamorphosis Monday, check out the other transformations here.


  1. The Quintessential MagpieOctober 18, 2009 at 12:36 PM

    That's a great deal on that trash can, and I love the shiny chrome. I want one like that! NEAT

    Happy Met Monday...


    Sheila :-)

  2. wow what a great deal!!! I had a fairly expensive one from Target--a larger sized one. But it took up too much room in my tiny kitchen so I have used it for years outdoors for my big 25 pound bags of bird seed. AND guess what? so far it has not rusted and no rodents have gotten in (although one must have attempted because something chewed on the hinge which is black plastic!). I have resorted (inside) to a smaller white plastic one and the springs in the lid broke. So now you have to push at the back side to open it---I have not been able to find replacement tops, nor Have I been able to find any with tops of the size I need for replacement!! So your find is a GRAND FIND!!

    Ps. I am nannykim but my house blog is the Spindle Cottage blog and not my regular nannykim blog!

  3. What a cute story - new plastic trash cans aren't made as good as the old ones anyway. Your silver one is snazzy !

  4. I also refuse to pay big bucks for a trash can. You got a great deal.

  5. Whew, does that look better! So glad you got a good deal on it and were able to put the sentimental can to use somewhere else. Great metamorphosis.

  6. I'm happy to see I'm not the only one who gets giddy about something as silly as a trashcan! And I can totally relate to the sentimentality of the old one. :-)

  7. Mary Ellen (megardengal)October 18, 2009 at 3:41 PM

    I think it is great that you are thrilled with your trash can. So many people seem to take such big things to make them happy- I love the simple pleasures of life!


  8. Phyllis AROUND THE HOUSEOctober 18, 2009 at 3:46 PM

    what a great deal on that trash can, I love it...

  9. Michelle@Sweet SomethingOctober 18, 2009 at 4:39 PM

    Yes, I remember the 'household stuff' trip to Walmart...I was if I could just find someone to use that stuff!! :)
    Goodwill is a great place. Great find!

  10. Jenny @ Words on WendhurstOctober 19, 2009 at 12:42 AM

    Yep, I am totally "giddy" about the new trashcan. And, nannykim, that is one thing I DO look forward to about winter, that I can feed the birds! Maybe I can pick up a second pretty trashcan for outside? :-)

  11. Nancy @ La Chambre RoseOctober 19, 2009 at 2:06 AM

    What a great find. Ah, for a Goodwill within responsible driving distance!

  12. Gots to love a great goodwill find, good job!

  13. Kim @ Starshine ChicOctober 19, 2009 at 3:48 PM

    I'm so jealous!!! I want a trash can like that. You scored girl finding it at Goodwill.

  14. I love practical redo's!!
