Most days so far I have found some time to clean. Or have the house picked up. Or have dinner made. I don't think I've achieved all three on any given day since we brought baby girl home. Or really, for a few weeks before that. I cleaned like an obsessive compulsive germophobe those last few weeks of pregnancy, but I think I only cooked dinner once. So as I learn to juggle my two babes, along with the demands of housekeeping, here are a few things that are working for me:
1. Lower my expectations My goal is to get through each day with all of us fed, clean and not vegged out in front of the TV all day, not to have a clutter-free, spotless house.
2. Make smaller goals. Instead of "clean all the downstairs floors and vacuum", my goal for the day will be "vacuum living room rug." I then get bonus points if I do more than just the one rug. Winning!
3. Keep up with the dishes. Because we don't have a dishwasher, this is an area that can get out of hand really quickly, and then I feel like the house is really out of control. Case in point, my sink is full right now, we're out of spoons, and the glasses are breeding like rabbits on the counter. :)
4. Involve my toddler. Javi loves to clean, so it's pretty easy to hand him a rag and have him "help." And you know, he's actually becoming quite helpful!
5. Efficient, but not too efficient! I constantly fall into the trap of "Oh, I need to take out the kitchen garbage, it stinks. Oh, that reminds me, the basement garbages are full. Let me go grab those. And there's that bag in the attic that needs to be thrown out." And then by the time I've gathered all the garbage, the babies are awake or need something and now none of the garbage gets taken out. So I'm focusing on the most pressing things (stinky kitchen garbage!) so that I am completing some task when I have the time.
Those are some of the tips that are working for me right now. What are some of your best tips for efficient cleaning?
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