Friday, October 11, 2013

Day 11: On Stupid Things

I hit a wall this week. A tired wall. I had been carrying along, managing our days pretty well, but right around Tuesday afternoon I started to lose it. Keilana had a couple of bad nights, and while I knew I was tired during the day, I didn't think I was THAT tired, so I didn't make it a priority to get some sleep when they slept. By Wednesday night I was a mess.

A long talk with Lover last night, and some extra sleep this morning and afternoon, and things are looking brighter. I'm resolved to take it a little easier on myself next week, and not try to save the whole world in five days! :)

But anyways, some things fell to the backburner this week, like blogging. I missed Wednesday entirely, and yesterday and today's posts have been late. So I thought I would just briefly log in today to share some funny stories of things people have said to me over the last couple of years.

Situation: At church, the week we're telling everyone we're pregnant with Javi. 

  • Lady: Jenny, have you lost some weight?

  • Me: well, yes, I have, because I am pregnant! (joyful smile)

  • Lady: Well, fantastic! And isn't it great that you had some extra that you needed to lose?

Situation: To Lover, on noticing that I wasn't with him that particular day. 

  • Person: Where's Jenny? Is she in labor?

  • Lover: sarcastically. Yes. But I told her she was being a wuss and to work it out on her own while I carried on with my social calendar.

Situation: Standing in the nursery hall, two weeks postpartum, with the baby in the carseat.

  • Person: Is this the new baby?

  • Us: No, this is the one we rented. We're giving this one back though, as it poops an awful lot.

Situation: At a barbecue, pregnant with Javi, sitting together and holding hands.

  • Man: Just you wait, you guys won't have time for each other any more after the kids. They ruin everything

  • Us: We're awfully tired of people threatening us. We'll be just fine.

Situation: Waiting in the doctor's office, 34 weeks pregnant with Keilana.

  • Old Woman: I can't remember ever being that huge with any of my six children.

  • Me: jaw drops. I have no response to that.

Situation: Multiple people, multiple times, on learning that we were expecting a girl this time.

Person: Oh, perfect! So you guys will be all set!

Us: Yes, we'll have a matching set. And we won't be adding any more kids unless they are collector's editions.

What are some dumb things that people have said to you? :)



  1. hahahaha!!! I love the rented baby answer…amazing, the things people say right out loud and in earnest…

  2. I always go over my due date and it never fails that everywhere I go, SOMEONE will ask me, "Haven't you had that baby yet?" With my third pregnancy, I was so exhausted and sick of being nice that I started answering it with, "Yes but we left the baby at home to get some peace and quiet."
    And here's some little gems I heard when I was pregnant last time:
