God sure knew what he was doing when he brought two families together twenty five years ago. As our parents became fast friends, Lover and I became close friends as well. Our story from that point is long, (and awesome!) but let me sum it up quickly for you: Lover's family moved to Spain to be missionaries, and then 6 years later so did my family. We overlapped for a year, and then Lover's family returned to America. Five years later I moved back to NY to go to college, and Lover was there at every turn for me. It didn't take long for me to fall head over heels for him, and I've never recovered. :) We dated for two and a half years, and got married in a light filled little church in a wedding ceremony that was wholly and purely "us".
Lover asked me "out" on May 17th. On the 17th 17 since we started dating, he asked me to marry him and we've had the tradition ever since of celebrating on the 17th. So today for date night we are dropping the kids off at my aunt and uncle's, and heading out for a special night together. I can't wait!
When we got married, we determined to be newlyweds for the rest of our lives. That's a little harder to do with munchkins under foot, but we're figuring it out. Some days, like today, we get hours to ourselves to reconnect. Other days we share tired smiles as he walks out the door for work, Javi chirping "bye daddy!", me standing behind him bleary eyed holding Kay Kay.
Lover is constantly spoiling me. He won my heart, bought me a castle, and now we have two beautiful babies together. It's a fairytale I tell ya, the very best kind where we get to live out the "happily ever after" instead of ending with a kiss in the sunset when the love story has barely begun.
Lover is a wonderful father. He delights in teaching Javi all about the world around him. He snuggles KayKay close and is sad when he has to give her over to me to nurse. I love watching them interact - it melts my heart to see them all together.
In a couple of decades we''ll find ourselves alone again in this big castle. And while I know that we'll miss our kiddos, I can't wait to enjoy that time with my best friend!
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