I find great peace and contentedness in staying home, cooking, cleaning and creating things for our home.
I know that sounds awfully 1950's of me. I don't feel completely comfortable talking about this topic, probably because my generation was raised with the idea that, as women, we needed to "make something of ourselves." I had big plans to go to college (I did) and become a working woman. (I did) I have trouble articulating exactly why my change of heart came about.
There are some things that just elude me. The ability to capture with my camera the beauty of sunshine glowing through fall leaves. How it is possible to create another little life inside my own body. Finding the words to express how keeping my home and caring for my family fulfills me in a way that I didn't know was possible.
Over the last two weeks, I've been slowly easing back into cooking, crafting and keeping up the house. I made my Grandma's lasagna. I used up our leftovers by making a quiche, and it was awesome.
Last Wednesday I canned for the first time. I canned apple butter and pear butter for Christmas gifts. Yum. It was surprisingly easy, and quite fun too.
I'm so glad that I'm able to stay home fulltime with my kiddos. I'm glad Lover works hard and provides abundantly for us so that I can stay home. And I am glad that God changed my heart and made this exactly where I want to be.
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