The view from Overlook Mountain. Pretty sure we could see all the way back to NY.
Some big eared Mule Deer checked out us from the side of the road. I was ecstatic but they were not impressed. I want to see elk and big horn sheep and whatever else these mountains are hiding - maybe a mountain lion? From the safety of my car of course. :)
I've been meditating a lot on the fact that God has always descended on a mountain, shown his glory on a mountain, drew all men to Him while lifted up on a mountain... So many references and I need to do a study on it. It seems these beautiful, wild, exquisite creations of His are quite important to him.
I think we'll be headed back up into the mountains today. I've been struggling a lot this week and being surrounded by this absolute beauty and wildness that God created is so soothing to me. I'm doing my best to remember to "lift up my eyes to the hills, from whence comes my help!"
[…] Day 11: The Mountains […]