Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Be Careful of the what? {Day 22}

It's so funny to me the things people say. When I was pregnant, people would say the most bizarre, and often completely contradictory, things to me. I was too big, too small, too early, too late... random strangers wanted to know personal details... it was just weird. When Lover and I were dating, it was even stranger. I remember someone telling us "Puppy love leaves you in the dog house." Whatever that meant.  People are funny. Anyways. When we told people we were moving to Colorado, one of the first things they would bring up was "but marijuana is legal there!"

In fact, most people would say something more like "be careful - marijuana is legal there!" which just entertained me to no end. We laughed for days about the idea that we would suddenly look down and find ourselves unexpectedly with pot in our hands, as if it would just *poof* materialize out of no where. Kind of like in Cinderella with the fairy godmother and Cinderella's dress, except that it would be a joint.

So after just over a month here in Denver, I am happy to report that no unexpected, unintentional pot smoking has gone on. We're discovering all sorts of fun things about this state, but recreational drugs has not been one of them. You can all rest easier now, I'm sure. Until next time,



  1. "So after just over a month here in Denver, I am happy to report that no unexpected, unintentional pot smoking has gone on. " So it was the expected intentional kind then?

  2. Dave, I knew someone would key in on that sentence! :)
