My adorable grandparents
The Wednesday before we left town, I went over to my grandparents to say goodbye. I love them dearly, and they have been especially important to me since I lived with them when I was in college. My grandma became my friend, which I know is such a rare gift. We said our goodbyes with the full knowledge that it may be our last time together. I plan on visiting, obviously, but the reality is that they are older, and their health is not what it used to be. It was hard knowing it might be my last time to see them in this life.
But what I always come back to is the fact that it is not truly goodbye if we are a part of the family of God. Yes, I may not see you again in this life, but we get to spend all of eternity together!
We sing songs about the family of God, and we talk about it routinely, but I truly believe that my "family" is sprinkled around the globe, and I was so excited to move out here and meet some new family members. Of course I miss the depth of friendship and familiarity that I had in New York, but I'm also excited for the new friends we'll make here!
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