So last time I talked about the Epic Moving Sale, I gave you my three rules for a successful sale. Today I want to just talk about my sale in general, some anecdotes, and a few things I want to remember.
Papa's first selfie!
I couldn't have done this sale on my own. Thankfully I have an awesome father in law who came over bright and early Thursday morning to help with set up (I think he made three dozen trips down from the attic!), sisters in law who are always up for helping out, a husband who worked from home so I wouldn't be alone with the creepers, and a sweet best friend who took time out of her day to come help out at my sale.
We met some really, truly interesting characters. Some of my favorites were the Irishman who chided me for carrying a heavy box - "why are you carrying that all by yourself, ye bonnie lass?", his partner in crime Luigi who was an absolute riot, the people who spent two hours in my house only to spend 50 cents, and the lady who nearly had a heart attack because her little dog ate something off the ground in my yard. "What did you eat? Do you know what he ate? If you die, I am not going to be able to help you!" All of this after she threw her just purchased wine glasses on the ground trying to "rescue" her dog.
We also had a really fun guy we dubbed Superman who bought a ton of our stuff and was a real riot. He bought things one at a time, a picture frame, then some boots, then maybe I'm interested in the computer, oh, and I'll take these 30lb weights, but my hands are full, so let me stack both weights (60lbs) and carry them with one hand out to the car! He also bought all of my vintage sheet music for his daughter, and came back the next day with his wife to buy even more stuff.

I'm glad we set up indoors, because we had really chilly, rainy weather for most of the weekend. I had already packed up our winter stuff, so it was a cold couple of days! But we survived and we had a good time, and the kids thought it was a blast to run around the yard playing with all of the stuff we were trying to sell.
I thought it was really interesting that a few friends came to our sale as a show of their support. They bought quite a bit of stuff to help us out, so that we could move! It wasn't something I would have thought of, but I appreciated them coming, having a chance to visit with them, and then of course, getting rid of more of our things!
So that wraps up our little moving sale recap. It was fun, and exhausting, and a part of me never wants to do it again. :)
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