Well, we are in the midst of winter storm warning 9,358 for this winter. We're supposed to get 12 inches in the next 8 hours, and most of it is supposed to fall before noon. I'm sitting on my living room couch typing this, and it is kind of a strange feeling. The snow is coming down so heavily and blowing so fiercely, that at times it is almost completely white outside, and it is eerily silent. A very strange feeling. Lover chatted me from work to ask me not to go run my errands today, to which I was happy to comply. Me no likey the snow. :-) We were supposed to have all of our nieces and nephews over for a fun evening tonight, and I am hoping that will still happen. We'll see. I don't want anyone risking their necks in this weather!
We've lost a lot of sleep this week as we have stayed up late into the night talking about anything and everything. Lover and I are both feeling especially burdened by the amount of people in our lives that need extra love and care and attention. It's hard to invest in people and love them, and do whatever you can for them, and then watch them make bad choices. It's hard to watch people settle for "good enough" in their marriages, or life, or relationship with God. It's hard to be pushed away by the very people that need you most.
I often think, if it is this hard to be invested in people's lives who are "grown-ups", what will it be like to be parents? If the day ever comes for us to have our own children, how do you find a balance between loving them and wanting to protect them, and still allowing them to make their own mistakes? Sounds like a hard job to me.
And through all of this, I keep coming back to this one thought. This must be a tiny glimpse of how God feels. He loves us all so much, and invests so much in us. It must hurt him so much when we push him away, or refuse to listen to him, or do something he knows will hurt us. It gives me a greater appreciation for his longsuffering towards us, for his patience with us no matter what.
Isn't God good? He really is. And it's amazing how much we can do when we simply rely on him to give us the strength to get through each day.
OK, well I am off to get the house ready for all the little people coming over later. And all the bigger people coming over this weekend. It's another busy weekend here at Wendhurst Castle, but I can't complain, because all that means is that we are so blessed! :-)
There's something about this post that's making me tear up--not sure what exactly. Thanks for sharing your heart.
ReplyDeleteJenna - you are too sweet. :-)
ReplyDeleteI had a very similar thought this week. On not judging my patients who make very bad choices, and then being patient with them while they freak out over the consequences. Being God must be a very tough job. ;)