Monday, February 28, 2011

February Recap - did I make it?

Whew! It's the 28th! It's the last day of February! It's the last day of my personal challenge to blog for a month straight!

(Blog calendar showing my 28 posts for the month)

I have to say, blogging for a month straight was harder than I thought it would be. I've never regularly blogged on the weekends before, and I think that was the hardest part. Also, I nearly forgot several times (like yesterday!) Big thanks go out to Lover, who encouraged me to keep going and not give up! But, I learned to relax my OCD tendencies a bit and just enjoy blogging again, and it was fun. I'm excited for all the things I have planned in March, although I am definitely NOT planning on blogging every day! :-)

Here's how I did on February's goals:

Read Oliver Twist. Started this one, and very much enjoying it. Did not finish it, however. Tsk tsk. :-)

Finish Frenchy table. .... yeah, this did not happen. I was out of town for a week! I need a new sanding tool to finish up the hard parts! I'm sure I can think of more excuses! :-)

Sew something. Bonus points for more than one project. YAY! I sewed a cover for my machine, hemmed some microfiber cloths, made a faux roman shade and worked on a table runner. :-) Success!

Work on scrapbooking. YAY! Although I didn't reach my goal of 2 hours a week, I did complete several layouts, as well as accomplished some sorting (and tossing) and assembled a little momento book.

Finish website. .... it's in the works. Coding and junk like that. Oh, and procrastination. :-)

Blog for 28 days straight. YAY!

I'll be back tomorrow with my goals for March. I'm hoping for a little more success next month! :-)


  1. I get you about blogging on the weekends--I think I've only ever posted one thing on a Saturday. I love leaving my weekends free. But I thoroughly enjoyed reading more from you!
    Your sewing projects sound pretty awesome. Are you going to be sharing more about them?

  2. sorry...can you make all the extras go away??? :) this is killing me!

  3. congratulations on the 28 days of blogging. I can testify that that is an impressive feat, since I only did 14 days. Totally forgot some days, and just plain didn't feel like it other days!! I really need to update my blog template so I can post bigger pictures, because I just feel like posting about our grand canyon trip with the current size of my blog photos won't do them justice at all! Now…to see if this works…

  4. Jen - All fixed! :-) Glad you worked out the kinks. And, I want to see pictures of your trip! :-)

  5. Jenna - Yes, I plan to share, but I refuse to commit to any kind of timetable. :-)
