Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Spring is just around the corner...

...seriously. Spring is coming. :-) I have hope. Here's my evidence thus far:

It's light out when I wake up

It's still light out when Lover comes home

The birdies are singing in the morning

There were buds on the trees in NYC last week

It's coming friends, trust me. See the little widget on my sidebar? It shows us all exactly how many more days till spring. :-) Anyways, I figured we could all use some cheering up, so I thought I'd post this portrait session from last fall, when the sun was shining and we could see the grass. So here ya go:

Are you local? Give me a call and we'll get a photo session scheduled for ya...just as soon as the weather is nice again!


  1. I wish I were local, because I would love a photo shoot by you! =)

  2. Jenna,

    Next time we are out Chicago way I will look you up! :-)
