You guys, I blogged for 31 days about one singular topic and I am so psyched! I talked for 31 days straight about lots of stuff that I've learned since my little man joined us. I'm all talked out about babies. :) Going forward I am going to try to get you updated on some house stuff that we've been working on. 'Member how we were working on our basement? :-)
I thought I would leave you with some links to articles that I really enjoyed but never found a place for during this series.
The Last Time by Devon Corneal - oh me, this is so beautifully written. It's along the lines of my "this too shall pass" post, and I cried buckets reading it. The comments add to the post, so give those a looksie too.
Song for a Fifth Child by Ruth Hulburt Hamilton - This is a sweet song about enjoying your baby, and keeping your priorities straight. I love it. The last line plays in my head frequently. "I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep."
Jennifer Adventures by Lori Ries - On the importance of being a part of your children's lives, not just their caretaker. Beautiful.
Pictures with Kids by Allison Tate - why you need to be in the pictures with your children. A great reminder.
Oh, and that reminds me, my bonus advice for today is to take pictures. Of your baby, obviously, but of the babe and your husband, of the babe and you, and of you all as a family. Don't worry about posed, perfectly groomed shots. Just take the pictures so you have the memories!
We took these pics on our way home from Jersey last week. A quick stop to stretch our legs and the light was beautiful, so I took advantage.
Anyways, thanks for sticking with me on this adventure. I had fun, and I hope you did too! :-)
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