Saturday, October 13, 2012

Day 13: Hire a Housecleaner

 One of the things my mostest awesomest husband did for me after the babe joined our family was to purchase a day of housecleaning for me. About six weeks after Javi was born, two professional housecleaners came out and swept and mopped all my floors, dusted all the horizontal surfaces and scrubbed my bathroom from top to bottom. It was amazing. And I highly recommend it for anyone with a new babe.

But Jenny, you say, I am not filthy rich! That's ok, we are not either! :) I see daily deals and groupons for housecleaners all the time. It can be a one time thing like mine was, or maybe you can afford an hour or two a week for a couple of months. Either way, it will be a load lifted from your shoulders during those first few weeks when you can’t seem to find time to blow your nose. :-)


  1. Love this idea!  I'll be passing this post on to my husband... :)

  2. Jess, you are too funny! :-) Thanks for stopping by :)
