I have so much to be thankful for. My list of things I am thankful for could fill up a 5 subject notebook, I'm just that blessed. As my friend Jenna says it, I am blessed with an embarrassment of riches. And one of the things that I am most thankful for is a healthy baby.
I love the fact that Javi is such a happy, easygoing baby. I love that he is so much fun. But I am so BEYOND thankful that I don't have to worry about his health. I had a safe and healthy pregnancy, in spite of the fact that I was nauseous for 36 weeks. We were in a car accident at 37 weeks that didn't affect Javi at all. And although his actual birth got a little tense, he bounced back very, very quickly and had no lasting problems. We've only been to the doctor (other than his checkups) once for a little cold.
I'm reminded constantly of how blessed I am to have such a healthy boy. I have friends whose kids aren't as healthy, and I have friends whose children are severely ill. I have friends who have lost beautiful babies... and handled it with the grace that only comes from our Savior.
We have so much to be thankful for in life. God promises us food and clothing only, anything beyond that is literally a gift from him. When put into perspective that way, I have so very, very much. And the gratitude that comes from acknowledging that gets me through those very hard days. Recognizing the multitude of gifts I've been given - a son that I prayed for, not the least of these, builds my trust in my heavenly Father, so that I lean on him more and more.
What are you thankful for?
Doyle should be asehmad of himself calling himself a traditionalists of bluegrass music. You never use a stupid electric bass and drum (give a break) in bluegrass music. What a sorry excuse of calling himself a traditionalist. You do not see other true grass groups down grading bluegrass as he is doing. Maybe he can receive a few of rap singers to be a component of the non bluegrass group. The circus will likely be coming through town in the few weeks. Maybe he can pickup a few clowns then. So So sad.