Javi quickly made friends with one of the cats that was roaming around, and it walked for quite a while alongside of him. He was happy as a clam to stay with the cat until he spotted the gutter downspouts and then he was off to play in those.

The kiddos immediately took off to explore and had a great time buzzing around from place to place, of course being sure to walk through each puddle and mud pit along the way. It was kiddo heaven. :)

There is a working blacksmith forge on the farm, but the museum runs on volunteers so sadly today there was no demonstration. But it was still cool to check out all the tools and snap some pictures.

These barns were killing me with their awesomeness. I loved all the old, weathered wood, so photogenic. One of the things I love about Denver, that I may have mentioned before, is how you will be driving down a completely suburban road filled with average, normal suburban houses, and then you'll come up on something like the Littleton museum with cows and pigs and chickens and oxen, and awesome old barns! So fun!
So on one side the farm is a 1940's working farm, which is where we spent the majority of our time. They had a cow, chickens and a large pig, along with a perfect little 1940's home complete with a wartime Victory garden.

Peanut was really feeling brave on this particular day. We've really been working with her since she has such trouble separating from us, and some serious stranger danger going on. The other day at the store the cashier said hello to her, and Peanut literally screamed, burst into tears and run to hide behind my legs. Craziness! But on this particular day she took off by herself constantly, explored all over the place and even climbed some fences. She did awesome until the donkey snorted, and then she lost her mind and wouldn't get out of my arms for the next fifteen minutes. Silly baby. To be fair, the donkey startled me too, so I wasn't surprised that it scared her .

Javi, on the other hand, had to be constantly in our sights since he was trying to climb over every fence, join the animals, stick his fingers in the oxen's mouths, and just cause general mayhem. He's a blast. He also repeatedly made friends with other families and did his best to go home with them. Our little social butterfly.

The other side of the museum was an 1800's farm, and was significantly muddier with a lot more animals. So I took less pictures and just tried to navigate my way through the mud and watch the kids enjoy themselves. We fed the oxen some of their hay, petted the donkey, checked out the turkeys and the enormous hog, and watched some sheep strike hilarious poses while they peed. :)
At the end of the day we were even able to snap a family picture, which always makes me happy. Although I kind of look like a giant in this picture, compared to the rest of the crew. :)
So overall we had a great morning. It was a fun place to explore and we will definitely be going back there. Hooray for fun, free places!
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