My adorable troublemakers
Favorite moment of the week: Long conversations with Lover as we house shop - discussing what style of house, how big we want it to be, how we would tweak and remodel each house to suit our family... I love house shopping and we're really enjoying the process. But we're also hopeful to find something soon, so we can get everything set before our lease ends in April.
Our weather was absolutely gorgeous here this week, so we spent a lot of time outside, although that was thwarted a bit by us all catching a nasty cold! So it was a balance of time outside playing and time laying on the couch watching movies. :)
What Javi is doing: Starting to practice the letters of his name. He particularly likes writing the "J". He still loves doing preschool, and never lets me skip a day! He's very polite, and often says "Sanks, mom." it breaks my heart a bit because I am not ready to drop the "mommy!" He's also working on learning how to get dressed and undressed by himself. His favorite thing is to put his pants on "silly" where he sticks both legs all the way into one pant leg and hops around the house. :)
What Keilana is doing: Responding "yea" in her cute little voice to any questions. Adding more words like hippo, apple, and making us name all the members of our family repeatedly. Having lots and LOTS of opinions on dresses, shoes, hair bands, and any other aspect of getting dressed. Starting to walk up stairs on her own, without support. Taking care of her baby doll by tucking her into blankets, giving her a binkie, and lots of little kisses. The cutest thing you ever did see!
How I am feeling: I am 18 weeks along, and feeling pretty good. Nausea is lessening, thank the Lord! I still can't eat most of the things I like best (chocolate! caffeine! sweets of any kind! cheese!) and I miss them, but I'm adjusting to this (hopefully temporary) diet. I started working out this week, and I'm hoping that will give me some more energy as well as keeping me fit throughout this pregnancy!
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