I thought it would be fun to document a typical day around here. I'm sure when I look back at this post in a year or two that I'll love remembering what life was like with two little ones! So here's our day, which was actually last Monday. 7:00am I wake up slowly, a luxury that doesn't happen often around here. The kids are magically still asleep, and Lover is breathing deeply next to me. I lay there in bed, pray a little, think through what we have on the docket for today, and snuggle with Lover. He goes to shower and I hang out in bed for a few more minutes, until I remember that I need to make Lover's lunch today. So I throw on my robe and head downstairs.
7:30am Lover leaves for work and the kids are STILL asleep! I make myself a cup of tea and go over the plan for the week and work on dinner ideas and make a list for Walmart later this morning. I'm drinking in this unexpected quiet time.

7:55am I hear both kids stirring, so I head upstairs. I open Javi's door, he's curled up next to the heater vent by the door just like every morning. At least this morning he's not banging his head on the wall. (A very common occurrence) We go into Keilana's room, she's just transitioning to her floor bed and has started sleeping through the night. Hallelujah! She's hungry though, so I nurse her, then change and dress both kids and we head downstairs.

8:35am Breakfast is served, we're keeping it simple with frosted shredded wheat, bananas and oatmeal for Keilana. I try mashing up bananas and mixing her oatmeal in with that, but still have no success getting her to eat her oatmeal. Oh well, we'll keep trying.

With breakfast done and Javi playing happily with his toys, I see my chance for a shower. I put Keilana in the jumper and run upstairs for a short, all business shower. I'm very efficient, since my mantra these days is "a toddler left to himself brings his mother to tears." Its amazing the amount of mess a 2yr old can get into in ten minutes by himself.
I'm clean and decent, so I go back downstairs, get KK who is now fussing, and bring her up with me while I do my makeup and hair. Javi joins us, and proceeds to climb into my bed (which I just made) and pretend sleep while I finish getting ready. He also tries to eat my chapstick. KK is still fussing, so I decide that she needs a nap before we go to Walmart today.

9:45am Keilana is down for a nap, and Javi pretends to sleep in his room (where he is allowed to have his binkies.) I convince him to come downstairs with me, and we spend some time reading and going over Brain Quest flashcards that my aunt bought for him. I try to do something intentional with Javi during Keilana's morning nap, and these cards have been great. He loses interest after about fifteen minutes, and goes off to play while I clean up from breakfast and finish my grocery list.

10:25am Keilana is up early from her nap, so I pack everyone up and load us all into the van. Javi at first refuses his jacket, which I allow, but then decides he DOES want the jacket, and he wants it zipped up and with the hood on too. He runs out the door yelling "binkie in seat!" (he's also allowed a binkie in the car)

10:45am We wander the aisles of Walmart for the dozen random things that we need or are out of. Walmart takes way too long, as always. We stop at Wendy's on our way home for cheeseburgers and scarf them down when we get home.
Noon We videochat with my parents almost every Monday once they get home. They email me that they're home, so we log on and chat with them for a bit. The kids are ridiculously loud throughout the call, so we mostly talk in snippets here and there. Javi shows Yayo and Yaya his trains, talks on the phone with them, and licks the back of his chair. Pretty typical! Keilana fusses a little, pours on the charm for the camera, and then plays on the floor for most of the call. I change diapers, try to talk in coherent sentences, keep tabs on what Javi's doing, oh, and try to eat some lunch while I'm at it.

12:50pm We say our goodbyes and Javi hangs up on my parents in the middle of a sentence. I grab Keilana and get Javi heading up the stairs for naptime. Keilana is more than ready since she had such a short nap this morning. She may be asleep before I've finished settling her in her swing. I change Javi's diaper, read him Brown Bear, Brown Bear, and go over Quiet Time Rules before I leave his room. His struggle to hold up the right amount of fingers for rules 1, 2 and 3 always makes both of us laugh.

1:20pm The next two hours go by in a blur. They're always my busiest hours of the day, but also my quietest. I spend some time reading and praying, then work on selecting pictures to print for family and notes for this post. My goal is to have time to work on a painting for Keilana's room, so I work as efficiently as I can, although I do my best not to rush through my devotions.

3:30pm I'm done with devotions and the computer work that needed to happen today. I pull out the stuff for the painting and get started, getting in the zone but keeping an ear out for Keilana. Sure enough, she's up within about fifteen minutes. I bring her downstairs and get her engaged in some toys, and try to work on the painting a little more. I really like how it's coming out, but it's taking a long time.

4:00pm Javi's up, and comes downstairs. He sees me still painting, pulls a chair over and tries to "help." I rescue the canvas and let him play with the paints still on the plates for a few minutes. Once everything is cleaned up we go back into the living room, where Javi watches Thomas the Train, Keilana practices crawling, and I start the first few chapters of Bossypants, a book I've been looking forward to reading for forever. It's really vulgar though, so I don't make it past the fourth chapter. That's annoying.
5:00pm Its almost time for Lover to get home, so I make sure the house is somewhat picked up and we're ready to head out. Our Sams Club membership expires today, and we're buying two twin mattresses for a project in the basement. We'll grab some pizza there too (and call it dinner :)

5:30pm We wander the aisles of Sam's Club for a while, and Javi has a blast checking out one of the sheds that's all set up in the club. Keilana takes everything in from her perch in the carseat, and once again refuses any food. We let her chew on a pizza crust which makes her super happy and Lover and I chat about our day so far. Javi is in seventh heaven when we let him ride on the cart with the mattresses, and "help" load them into the van. It takes a little finagling, but we manage to get both mattresses, both carseats and all four of us safely in the van to head home. Stow and Go seating rocks! We stop on the way home to pick up the photos I ordered earlier.

7:00pm Lover unloads the kids and the mattresses while I step outside to make a quick phone call about the workshop I'm teaching next weekend. Javi spots me and runs out with me, sans coat or shoes, and proceeds to have the time of his life. We run up and down the sidewalks and he throws snow at me and laughs hysterically.

7:45pm My neck and back have been aching and bothering me all day, so I draw a scalding hot bath with epsom salts and soak for about half an hour while Lover plays with the kids and they watch Doctor Who. I browse blogs, check my email and mostly just relax.
8:20pm I can hear KK crying and know that she's ready for her nap/bedtime, so I finish up my bath and we round up the kids and head upstairs. I change and nurse KK and put her to sleep while Lover gets Javi into PJs and has him brush his teeth. I make it into Javi's room in time for a Bible story and prayer time, and then it's lights out for Javi.
8:45pm Lover and I head back downstairs, breathe a sigh of relief that both kids are in bed (although we hear Javi banging for a while), and cuddle up on the couch to watch some shows. I eat one of the cheese danishes we bought at Sams Club (Lover steals a few bites) while we watch one of our favorite shows, the Good Wife, and a new show called Crisis that has been very interesting so far.

10:00pm Keilana shows no signs of waking, so we head up to bed. I go in to Javi's room and put him in bed, since he's fallen asleep next to the heater vent, under the rug like it's a blanket. Totally normal. I do a jigsaw puzzle on my tablet while I get ready, I just discovered this app and I love it. Once in bed we chat for a few more minutes, and then roll over to get some much needed shut eye. It's been a great day with few tantrums and we got a lot done, so I'm pretty happy. I sleep like the dead until Keilana wakes up around 2am. Bummer for not sleeping through the night tonight!