Last week was a full, crazy, stressful week. The kind where each day goes by and you think- phew, I made it through today! And you wonder if tomorrow will be as difficult, and you pray that it's not, but then it turns out to be just as hard. Lover worked all weekend last weekend, and then every.single. week night. It was insane. I was so thankful that my parents were here to help, play with Javi and keep us busy. But I missed Lover terribly.
One of the hardest adjustments of having Javi was no longer having loads of uninterrupted time for just Lover and I. We have our set-in-stone weekly date nights, and we do our best to take advantage of the times we get besides that, but when we have a week like last week, where we don't even spend enough time together to reflect on our day... it's not fun.
The point of this post is not to complain. The point is that God has been teaching me about a change in perspective. Remember when I talked about dirty dishes a few posts ago? It's the same lesson. I tried to look for things to be thankful for last week. Thankful for the amount of time I got to spend with my parents. Thankful for the chance for Javi to get to know his Yayo and Yaya. Thankful for the crocuses that pushed their way up through the snow with happy little yellow flowers. Thankful that I'm married to a man that loves us enough to get up and go to work every day when I know he's exhausted and tired of it all.
And after the clarity of a couple of good night's sleep, some time together and some downtime, I'm reminded even more of how truly blessed I am. Blessed that these really hard weeks are few and far between. Blessed with a beautiful family. Blessed with a little boy who lights up our days. Blessed with another little baby whose life is filled with promise. Blessed with a heavenly Father who loves me and has given me a holy calling to serve him as daughter, wife and mother.