It's such a weird feeling to finally hit my due date. (It was Thursday) It's over! Sort of. :) I've hit my due date with each of my three pregnancies, without a hint of going early, so I had absolutely no expectation of going early this time either, and that's proven true. Here I sit, 40 weeks pregnant, only slightly dying of expectation and anticipation to meet this little one we've been waiting for.
So now the official waiting game begins. When will this little babe decide to make an appearance? We're hoping for tomorrow, since then this will be our little firecracker baby, and every year from now on they will have fireworks and parade in their honor. How cool is that? :)
Overall, this has been my easiest pregnancy. Part of that is experience - I know what works and what doesn't work for me when I am pregnant. (Works - Lots of waterlogged fruits and vegetables. Doesn't work - drinking plain water) I immediately started my heartburn medicine once we discovered we were pregnant again, and my new midwife was a true lifesaver in prescribing an anti-nausea medicine at 19 weeks that totally improved my quality of life. I went from total exhaustion and barely able to eat anything to a much more varied diet and much more energy. Midwives FTW! :)
It's been interesting to follow what's been the same throughout this pregnancy, as opposed to the other two. I still can't drink water, but I made a lot fewer sacrifices to the porcelain throne this time around. Foods I haven't liked or haven't been able to eat this pregnancy: meat in general, and specifically bacon. WHAT KIND OF TRAVESTY IS THIS? With Javi it was mushrooms, with Keilana it was broccoli (no great loss there), but with this one - bacon? Come on! :) On the other hand, I'm obsessed with fresh fruits like blueberries, grapes and most of all cherries. And they have all been dirt cheap lately, so that has been awesome. With Javi I was obsessed with watermelon, and with Keilana it was... mocha frappes from Burger King. And Klondike bars. :) So fresh fruit is definitely a better thing to be craving all the time!
I've also eaten a lifetime's worth of boxed mac n cheese. But we won't talk about that.
We're not sure if this is our last kid or not (we promised NOT to make that decision while I am pregnant, because when I am pregnant I never, ever, EVER want to be pregnant again) but either way, I've been super excited from the get go about adding another little one to our family. I love watching the interaction between Javi and KK, and even though they are in a terrible phase of fighting and hitting and tantrums and disobedience, I wouldn't trade it for the world. I can't wait to see KK as a big sister, and I know Javi will just love having another baby around. He already talks about "When da baby is born, I will hold him and I will pick him up when he is crying." Melts my heart. :)
In general this entire pregnancy has flown by. I found out I was pregnant just weeks after we moved out here to Denver, and so much has happened in these nine months! We moved into an apartment, found a church, set up life here, looked at ALL OF THE HOUSES, purchased a house, traveled back to New York and to Spain, and all of the other day to day life stuff that fills up the minutes. It's been hectic, but it's kept my mind off of obsessing about things that I have no control over (for the most part).
So hopefully this little babe will soon make their appearance, and we can start adjusting to being a family of five! I'm excited about what the future holds, and I've just about run out of things to obsessively clean and nest for, so baby better make an appearance soon!
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