Children's literature is a tricky thing, is it not? There are thousands and thousands of books out there. Some are awesome, some are... less awesome. We've acquired a lot of books in the few years we have had kids, and checked out a bunch more at the library. It's really important to me that my kids love reading. So I make it a priority to find books that I won't mind reading over and over to the kids. We've gone through a lot of duds. But we've found a few that are definite keepers. Here's a few of our favorites.
I Love you Through and Through
There are lots of "I Love you books out there." I don't love most of them. (Guess how much I love you? ranks up there with my least favorite books.) But our neighbor gave us this one shortly after Javi was born, and it's great. It's simple, sweet and silly enough to make us laugh. And I love the message that no matter what mood baby is in, Mommy and Daddy love you!
Horns to Toes and In Between
Anything by Sandra Boynton is a winner in our house. Her books are just delightful and funny, and you don't get tired of reading them over and over. Her illustrations are great too. But I picked this one as our favorite because the kids love to touch the body parts that are named throughout the book, and it's actually been really helpful for learning said body parts. And it's funny.
Drummer Hoff
I found this book at Goodwill I think, and bought it because the illustrations were so cool. But it has become a favorite with it's repetitive, rhyming, silly words (Sargent Chowder brought the powder!) and, of course, the huge explosion at the end! I'm fascinated by the reviews people have written about this book, so many scholarly words written about a book with so few words!
Little Quack's Bedtime
This book is a rather recent addition to our home (it was a Christmas gift) but it is a fun read. Mama Duck is putting her five ducklings to bed and they each have an objection to voice before they can fall asleep. It's eerily reminiscent of our household at bedtime. :) But it's sweet and entertaining, and the illustrations are really pretty too. It's one of those books structured on a repetitive rhythm so the kids can predict what's coming really quickly. (Which they love)
The Story of Growl
We found this fun little book at the library. (Sadly it was shredded into tiny pieces by a certain blond member of the family) It's the entertaining story of a monster who loves to growl, which of course delights the kids to no end. It's also very fun to give the neighbors in the story (who are irritated by all the growling) a British accent since they take afternoon tea every day.
So those are some of the favorites in our house these days. I'd love to hear what some of your favorites are!
since we just dug out Brian's childhood books from the basement - we are into "The Little Engine That Could" and "Scuffy the Tugboat". I remember "Good-Night Moon" from when I was little and "Stone Soup" ."Chicka-Chicka Boom Boom" is our fav to laugh about. :-)
ReplyDeleteWe love any of the "Click Clack Moo" series. She keeps writing books, and the kids just love them. :)
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