I've thought for a few days (ok, a week. Well, two weeks. :) about how to end this series. It's been tons of fun documenting every step of our move and trip out here, and how we are settling in. As I've talked about all month, our life has changed dramatically over the last two months, and it has been an adventure! I wouldn't trade it for anything. Really.
That first day in our new apartment, when Lover went to work, I was home with the kids, alone, in a new place, without a car, and no one to reach out to. To say I was overwhelmed would be an understatement. Those next couple of days were hairy. I alternated between "hurray! we are in Denver and I'm so excited and I love everything!" and "oh my gosh, what have we done, I'm so scared!" I spent a couple of days like this, and it culminated on Friday at lunchtime where I literally just put my head down on our (card) table and sobbed my heart out. The kids were understandably concerned, and gave me sweet hugs and watched me with big eyes.
And that's when I realized that I had to make a choice. Life here in Denver was going to be hard, because life everywhere is challenging. And I could either wallow in the frustrations and focus on the negatives, or make a choice to find the good in each day. I've started keeping a thankful journal again, and for a time I had a big poster on our wall where I wrote things I was happy about down too. When people ask me how things are going out here I don't sugarcoat it, but I make a conscious effort to focus on the positives. Like 300 days of sunshine! :)
I have to make a choice to push myself out of my comfort zone and make friends. My default is to be the quiet girl in the corner, observing. But I know that for my sake, my husband's sake and my kids' sake, we need to get connected here. So I'm making the choice to be friendly and extend myself to others. It's challenging sometimes, but we are loving the MOPS group we're attending, our life group is full of young families like us, and we are starting to recognize faces at our church.
So much of life is a choice. Years ago I made the choice to invite Jesus in my heart, and that set me on an irreversible path that would shape the rest of my life. Each day living as a Christ follower is a choice - whether to follow him or live for myself that day. Whether to live that day with joy in my heart, or to live focusing on the negative.
We made a choice to move here, and it was a great one. Each day since then, I'm making the choice to live here fully, to find the good, and to live each day with joy. I'm so glad we moved here, and I'm happy to have documented the process so we can look back on this through the years and remember the adventure. Thanks for reading along with me as I rambled on for more than a month and a half! :)
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