There are lots of projects and stories that I want to blog about. But taking precedence in my time management is the fact that my family/houseguests are arriving in less than two weeks, and a certain baby girl will be making her appearance shortly after that. Right, baby girl? Wanna join the world a little early? So my focus has been on making sure we are prepared for baby (diapers! hundreds of them! tiny pink onesies!) and guests (they appreciate things like beds and clean towels, or so I hear).
I've also been finishing up some nagging house projects like fixing broken trim, cleaning grout, and touching up paint. Just like with Javi, clearing up my ongoing to-do list is apparently my way of feeling ready for a new baby to join us. These are the things that taunt me in the middle of the night, that apparently are of paramount importance and must absolutely be accomplished before D-Day. :)

My photography business has been non-stop lately, just when I think that I've finished up the last shoot until after the babe is born, someone else contacts me out of the blue and wants pictures done in the next few weeks. It's keeping me busy and it's nice to "be in demand." I should get pregnant more often, it's good for business! :) I've got another newborn shoot to finish up, and possibly two more shoots to fit in (and edit!) in the next couple of weeks. Of course, with this insane heat wave, I don't stray far from my AC, which makes scheduling shoots a little more complicated. :)
I'm thinking a lot and trying to pray a lot about the transition from a family of three to a family of four. I've gotten some really good advice from friends on what TO do, and what NOT to do. We're trying to simplify our schedule as much as possible for that "fourth trimester" time, and think through ways to help Javi adjust. But really, there's only so much I can do to prepare, and for the rest, I need to trust that God will bring us through, and bring us closer together as husband and wife, as parents and as a family.
Some things to look forward to seeing on this here blog;
- some updates in the dining room - we painted, switched curtains (again!) moved some furniture, added some bling... it's looking nice.
- some crazy before and after pictures of our back yard. I'd forgotten what a train wreck we started out with. :)
- pictures of the basement bathroom- we finally have a full bathroom in the basement, now I just need to spend some time decorating! Darn!
- pictures of the basement as of right now. Not done, but way better than before!
- some updates and changes in the master bedroom. I feel like I am finally figuring that room out.
- more fun stuff that I am forgetting. :) Anyways, stay tuned!
I'm so happy that you are doing well and staying busy with your photography. You have such a talent!