On Monday I hit the 30 week mark. For some reason this is one of the milestones I look forward to most, perhaps because there are less than three months left? Anyways, I thought I'd post a couple of the pictures I took today, along with a list of 30 things I am grateful for right now, in this stage of pregnancy. As I talked about in my last post, pregnancy is a challenge for me, so I thought it would be really beneficial to list out some things that I am thankful for.
1. I'm grateful for a husband who loves me unconditionally, puts up with my emotional crazy and moodiness, and encourages me every day.
2. I'm grateful for my little Javi as he is a constant reminder of the joy that will come!
3. I'm grateful for the "lousy" weather we've had so far this summer, all this rain is keeping me cool!
4. I'm grateful for sweet friends who share clothes, diapers, blankets, body pillows and anything else I need for baby K.
5. I'm grateful for modern medicine, and the wonders of Prevacid. Nasty heartburn be gone!
6. I'm grateful for the great deal we got on an air conditioner. I'm positive we'll be needing that!
7. I'm grateful for a break from the nausea and daily sacrifices of food. :)
8. I'm grateful for a doctor who is laid back and calm, but still takes the time to listen to my concerns.
9. I'm grateful for a healthy, growing baby, with no complications. In that sense it's an easy pregnancy.
10. I'm grateful for the little kicks and jabs I feel all day and night, letting me know that baby is healthy.
11. I'm grateful for understanding family and friends that help me out on the hard days.
12. I'm grateful that we've had no trouble getting pregnant either time. So many struggle with infertility, and I know we are blessed.
13. I'm grateful for Javi's energy and busyness, that keep the days flying by as we wait to meet this little babe.
14. I'm grateful for nap times! :)
15. I'm grateful that our kids will be close together, and won't remember not having each other.
16. I'm grateful that this time we're having a summer baby. It's so hard to keep an infant warm in winter!
17. I'm grateful that God gives me the patience, grace and energy for each day, if I just ask for it!
18. I'm grateful that I am able to drink water again without puking! That was not a fun phase.
19. I am grateful for fantastic back rubs from Lover that make me sleepy in 2.3 seconds.
20. I am grateful that human gestation only lasts 9 months, not 2.5 years like an elephant :)
21. I'm grateful to have nice friends who only compliment me and tell me "how great I look." I really appreciate that. And them!
22. I'm grateful for the option of an epidural.
23. I'm grateful that God has blessed me with many wise mothers around me who are willing to take the time to teach me how to be a better mom.
24. I'm grateful for a husband who works even harder while I am pregnant, filling in all the gaps that my lack of energy create.
25. I'm grateful that I passed my glucose test! This momma needs her ice cream! :)
26. I'm grateful that we are having a daughter. I'm getting excited about having a little girl!
27. I'm grateful my mom will be staying with us for a few weeks as we navigate the change from one kiddo to two!
28. I'm grateful the hospital is less than fifteen minutes away. :)
29. I'm grateful to still be able to reach my toes!
30. I'm grateful that there are only 66 days left of this pregnancy! (Be on time, Baby K!)