Monday, April 16, 2012

Paintings, Photos and Pianos

 Remember the painting that Lover commissioned for my birthday a couple of years ago?

Well I moved it. :)  Up until now it has hung in the dining room, over the built-in desk. But I removed the desk last year (and never showed you! Bad blogger!) and it just looked lonely hanging over top of nothing. :) And I always worried that whatever we were serving on the buffet would somehow damage the painting right above it. And I just don't need any added stress in my life, ya know? 

Plus, I wanted to create a little area in the living room to display some pictures of the little monster that joined our family a few months ago. So I did a switcheroo.
This is what the area over the piano looked like last time I showed you.

It’s basically stayed that way, with a few minor tweaks here and there, mostly because I am incapable of leaving things completely alone. :) But here's what it looks like now. 

I replaced the big picture with the painting, and replaced all the pictures in the skinny frame with pics of the little man.
On the piano itself are a few more frames – one we received from our wedding that’s filled with pics of Lover and I, a picture of my parents with Javi, and my Willow Tree figurines. I was so touched to receive the little family one for Christmas from my sister in law. She knew that I really wanted it, and I cried when I opened it! :) Thanks Steph!

So now this area is our little photo corner, and I am trying to keep it semi-updated. Not an easy task when your four month old is growing by leaps and bounds. Did I mention that he is in all his six month clothes, and he’s really pushing the length of some of those outfits? We’re hoping it means he’ll be tall. :)

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