I came across this adorable little plastic flower at the Dollar Tree a few weeks ago. It’s a solar powered dancing flower that brings a smile to my face every time I walk into the kitchen and see it nestled in the corner of the window, happily bobbing side to side. It is such a simple little thing, but it reminds me to smile and soak up the sunshine every chance I get. God has really been teaching me the importance of living each day with joy – a cheerful disposition, an “I can do this” attitude, and gratitude that I am surrounded with so many blessings. It’s quite a lesson to learn from a little plastic flower!
Of course, as I mentioned, it’s solar powered, so there are days when there just isn’t enough sun to power the flower. Which is why, one day when Lover came home from work, I mentioned to him sadly,
“my flower didn’t dance today”
He just looked at me for a minute, a puzzled look on his face. I recognized the look as the one he’s sported quite a bit since I gave birth, something akin to “she’s having a bad day, and I am not sure what to do.” I was quick to assure him that this was not some obscure reference to my fragile emotional state, it was just a factual observation. There was no sun, so my flower did not dance.
So ladies, the next time you are feeling a bit hormonal, be sure to tell your husbands that your flower did not dance. And then have fun watching them try to decode that cryptic saying. You can tell them I made you do it. :-)
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