March is over - hurray! For me the end of March marks the end of winter, and the beginning of being outside again! :-) Of course, today it was snowing, so I can't say it has necessarily been warmer, but all the little birds and squirrels are going crazy in my yard, so it must be spring. :-) Here's how I did on my goals for this month. :-)
Finish my projects from last month: the Frenchy table and my website.
I finished refinishing (is that good English?) the Frenchy table. FINALLY! Pics to come. We are working on the website, but IE is giving us issues. Gotta love Microsoft. :-)
Finish current sewing projects; a tree skirt and a table runner. I finished the table runner at the beginning of the month. I just need one more spool of ribbon for the tree skirt, which I will pick up next week. The picture at the top of this post is my tree skirt in progress. I really love how it is coming out.
Continue scrapbooking (and decluttering the scrapbooking stuff) Hmm. Nope. Never touched those boxes. :-)
Finish the loveseat we started a while ago. Yes! All done! Pictures to come soon. I love it and it adds so much style to our living room.
Update the castle tour page with new pictures. Yeah.... never happened. This one is carrying over to next month. :-)
Finish editing old pictures. YES! I am all current on all of my personal photos. This is BEYOND exciting. :-)
Continue purging and decluttering. I took a trunkload of stuff to Goodwill. I mostly focused on finishing up projects this month, and not much decluttering. Me thinks April will bring more decluttering. :-)
Finish reading Oliver Twist. Hmm. Nope. But, I did read three other books this month. So that has to count for something. ;-)
Start reading another classic. (Maybe La Alahambra?) See above. :-) I am now two books behind my goal. Maybe saying that will motivate me? I'm not counting on it. :-)
Tomorrow I will post my goals for April. You're at the edge of your seat, aren't you? :-) Don't worry, I am not at all offended if you skip this post and the next one in your reader. :-) These are purely for my benefit. :-)