Oversized Pinecone $10.00
$10.00!!!! Friends, step outside your door, or go to your nearest park, and do a little scavenging for your very own (free!) cones. They may not be a foot long, but my goodness, they'll be free!
Found Cameras $149.00
Hit up your local Craigslist, or thrift stores, yard sales or even antique stores in your area. Little old 35mm cameras abound, as people are trying to unload some of their outdated technology. Bonus, yours will actually BE vintage!
Eclectic Glass Bottles, Set of 2 sale price $36.99
I don't think I need to explain this one. Buy some bottles of whatever you like at the grocery store, and pour the contents down the drain if you'd like. Soak the bottle in soapy water, and the labels will come right off. Voila - eclectic glass bottle collection.
Chalkboard Rock Vase Filler $16.00
A can of chalkboard paint will run you about $9 at Walmart. With that can, and the great outdoors, you can make thousands of these rocks, making each cost about a penny, instead of $4.00 each.
Hanging Mason Jar $7.50
Again, collect up some glass jars (even Mason if you would like!) and twist some wire around them to make hangers. Stick a votive inside and you are ready to go.
So there you go, five easy DIY ideas that you can replicate from Pottery Barn, while still holding on to that wad of cash in your pocket.
Do true, Jenny. I also laugh at their "Found soda crates." I've seen them everywhere at thrift stores and antique shops. And, for a heckuva lot less than $25.
ReplyDeleteI call this the "duh factor"…it often strikes me when I wander through PB stores. They make art out of simple things. I do have old cameras on display…but just realized that the camera I got when I was 15 now qualifies as vintage, and I should be displaying that one, too!
ReplyDeleteI'm so love this blog, already bookmarked it! Thanks.