From time to time we find some great little treasures on Craigslist. Now, don't get me wrong, you can find some really hideous stuff on there, but if you are patient and are willing to wait a while, you may uncover some hidden gems. It's very similar to going to garage sales or thrift stores. For every hundred links you click on, ten will be something you are interested in. And of those ten, one or two will be in your price range. We've really utilized Craigslist since we bought our house, as we suddenly had a bunch of rooms to furnish and decorate!
One of our most recent finds was this fun and funky mirror. We already have a very similar one in our master bedroom, and as I am slowly collecting stuff for the very far-off date when we will be decorating the basement, I knew that this mirror would look great anywhere we put it. My initial idea is to use it in the basement bathroom, but we will see. :-) My decorating ADD might kick in before that. :-) Anyways, what I love about this mirror is the intricate scroll and detail in the frame. It makes it more like a work of art than a mirror.
Just for kicks, I put it up on my mantel to see what it would look like. It looks pretty nice there, and it is always good to know that I have lots of options. :-) I liked how it filled that whole space of the little jut out part.
I picked up this mirror a few months back, I think there was still snow on the ground. I had to go into the city to get it, and when I went to meet the seller, she lived up in the third story of a house so she had to come all the way downstairs to let me in the main door. As we were walking up the stairs, she mentioned something about her dog. Then, when we finally reached the third floor she yells "Oh no! She did!" and I was like, um what? Turns out her dog loves to play with the door, and had locked her out of the apartment on multiple occasions, this being one of them. So, I went and bought a hot chai while I waited for the girl's boyfriend to come over and let her back in. So funny. Anyways, just a little bunny trail there. :-)
So, considering that this mirror might end up in the basement, and definitely needs a paint job, I had some fun in Photoshop envisioning what colors might look best. I could always go the safe route, and paint it black. I know it looks good, because my bedroom mirror is black.
Or, I could update that dingy gold color with a fresh coat of white, which would also be nice, albeit a bit predictable.
I could let down my hair and paint it red, which could be really fun,
Or, I could really go wild and paint it green,
or my very favorite color, turquoise. :-)
What do you think? Without regards to where this mirror will end up, or what color scheme it will need to fit in with, do you have a favorite option?
I like the turquoise! What an awesome find that mirror is, I'm a big fan.
ReplyDeleteI also like the turquoise!
ReplyDeleteWhat a great find! I like the yellow - such a bold statement.
ReplyDeleteI thought for sure I'd say red. But, I adore the turquoise. And, now I want a mirror like this to paint.