It has 18 (!) bedrooms, including the king's room, the queen's room and 31 bathrooms. Talk about never having to share a sink! Personally, I like the queen's room best.
The king's room, while not as much my taste, does boast an adjoined sitting room/salon that is quite beautiful.
Of course, this castle is nothing to shake a stick at. The property spans more than 1000 acres, with private hunting grounds, an indoor pool and a gym/spa, maid's quarters, a private cinema, chapel, bakery and music recording room.
You will have your choice of dining rooms each night, as there are five on the property. The large dining room is incredibly impressive, but the other rooms are equally charming.
There are also four kitchens, this one is exclusively reserved for breakfast. I can imagine a typical morning going something like this: "Hello, Pierre? Where are you?" "Why, I am in the breakfast kitchen, having my croissants from our bakery." Silly you. It's not like he would be in a different kitchen, right?
Of course the grounds are beautiful, with lovely gardens and a well kept courtyard.
All this can be yours for a mere 110 million euros. With the current exchange rate, that's about $150 million dollars. Once again, I am offering to go halvsies with anyone that might be interested in living just outside of Paris. After all, with all those bedrooms, bathrooms and dining rooms, it's not like we'd run into each other. :-)
Info and pictures taken from:âteau_de_Farcheville
alors moi je trouve ce chateau PLUS que magnifique mais je ne voit pas a quoi sa sert que vous metiez des photos sur internet il y a plusieurs centaines de personnes qui reverais daller dans se chateau juste pour le visiter et je trouve que sa ne sert STICTEMENT a rien de mettre des photos surtout a 3000 euro les 3jours/nuits franchement cela me dégoute surtout que moi je suis notament très dégouter car je fais partit de la famille Bouville et franchement je suis équerer