I've talked before about doing the dishes, and how I struggle with it. It's not the lack of a dishwasher, because the dishes were never done at our apartment either. It's just a general dislike of doing the dishes. It's boring, repetitive, and ruins my nails. And up until recently, I wasn't a very good dish-washer, so I had to repeat a lot of my work. So I brainstormed a few solutions. I set a goal of having the sink clear each morning. That helped a lot. Then I started timing myself doing a sinkload of dishes, and discovered that a full sink of dishes rarely takes longer than fifteen minutes. If we have a lot of company over, it's a little more, but on a daily basis, especially when I clean the making dinner dishes while the food is cooking, it can take as little time as five minutes! So now I know that I can burn through a stack in less time than it will take you to read this lengthy blog post. :-)
Then I started thinking about the bathroom sink. I love the look of a freshly wiped sink and polished faucet. The problem was, I would wash the sink on Mondays, and then not again until the following Monday. And while that was less than stellar with just Lover and I, once my brother moved in that became a real problem. Just around the time my brother moved in, it seemed we started to do a lot more entertaining, and even had a bunch of people staying with us. So I put on my thinking cap, and came up with the following solution.
One of the reasons I would let a dirty sink sit, was because I had to track down a rag, get out the cleaning products and wash the sink. Then I had to put everything away, and find a place for the rag to dry before I could throw it in the "to be washed" bin. Not a big deal, but enough of a deterrent for me to talk myself out of it more often than not.
A trip to Walmart yielded two brown washcloths for a dollar each, and a set of 3M Command Hooks. I grabbed some bias tape from my ribbon stash, and hand sewed a loop onto one corner of each of the washcloths.
This little corner of the vanity in our bathroom, that butts up to the shower curtain would be the perfect hiding place for my "sink-cloth".
One command hook later, this little nook held a washcloth at the ready for whenever the mood strikes to shine up the sink. The loop makes it easy to hang up and it dries all on its own while waiting for the next time I need to use it.
Plus, it is hidden from sight, so no one is the wiser to my little solution. Most days I just use hot water to spruce everything up, but I also made up a spray bottle of vinegar solution that hangs out under the sink for when I have an extra second to clean it up good.
So that's my solution for clean sinks. What areas in your home equal clean to you? I'd love to hear about them. :-)
Linked to Metamorphosis Monday, Make it For Monday,
Totally agree on sinks. I despise dishes in the sink, so they are never in the sink. Hubby and I have come to that agreement. I also find that just keeping things wiped down and picked up makes the entire house seem clean. I don't spend much time cleaning, but I keep things maintained. Makes life simpler for me.