Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Inspiration Tuesday: No Rhyme or Reason

Today I'm sharing a few images of rooms I've come across lately that I love. No rhyme or reason to them, I just like them. Because I am random like that. :-)


Love the mobile, the collection of frames and the "desk" made from two folding tables.

tracey interiors

Love that stenciled wall, and doesn't that chair look oh-so-comfy?

pottery barn

Love that wall color, and that awesome framed collage. I'm itching to do a collage like this somewhere... but where?

What's inspiring you today?


  1. I love that last frame collage, too! My husband has pretty much forbidden me from buying more pictures frames, but maybe if I put all the ones I already have on a wall like this, I can convince him I need more. hmmmm.
    .-= jen´s last blog ..one year ago today… =-.

  2. Here I last existing pictures, I love all this photo frame, And Really all frames are well placed. All the wall color are make the room are so fabulous. Thanks for the inforamtion.
