Friday, November 13, 2009

Friday Favs: Country Music

I don't believe I had ever heard a country song in my life before I moved back to the States when I was 19. I had a vague notion that there was an entire genre of music labeled "country" and I even told a joke about it.
What happens when you play a country song backwards?
-You get your truck, your girl and your dog back.

Funny, and oftentimes true. I discovered, however, that I really liked country music. I remember that first year back in the States, listening to Brad Paisley's Mud On the Tires, and Andy Griggs' She Thinks She Needs Me. Lover introduced me to George Strait, Tim McGraw and Garth Brooks.

I like the corny country songs like She Thinks My Tractor's Sexy, or Sold! They're fun to sing along to, and they usually make me laugh and put me in a good mood. But the reason I love country music is the love songs. I could list dozens and dozens of songs that make me happy, make me cry, remind me of the love I have, remind me why I love Lover. I'll suffer through the silly cliche songs just to hear Love Story again. It's currently my favorite love song.

And then there's my all time favorite duo, Tim and Faith, and their latest duet I Need You.

And who can forget the iconic George Strait, and one of his many #1 hits, Check Yes or No?
This is the song that Lover used to ask me out, and it made my heart melt, just a little. :-)

And that's just a sampling of my favorites. I have dozens on CD and on my computer. What about you? Do you like country music?
What's your favorite song right now, and what's your favorite all time song?

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