Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Castle Query: House Numbers

I would like to replace the flimsy black house numbers that we currently have on the front of the house with something a little nicer and a little more in keeping with the rest of our house's style. However, I am not sure which direction to take:

Should I go with authentic craftsman style?

Something a little more classic and traditional?

Or something quite different, like these terracotta number tiles?

I don't usually have this much trouble making decisions. :-) I promise.


  1. I love the first and last ones a lot! Very artistic and different!

  2. Kim @ NewlyWoodwardsOctober 1, 2009 at 2:18 AM

    I like the Craftsman style

  3. theartofengineeringOctober 1, 2009 at 5:33 AM

    I like the first one too but if they are going next to your front door you might want to consider the second ones since your door isn't a craftsman style anymore.
