- Increase emergency savings by $500 We're up to 68% of this goal!
- Increase car fund by $1K Like I said last month, we had done this, but Luke's car cost us this amount to pass inspection :-(
- Do more sewing this year I've made a cardigan, and a tunic so far. I also made a curtain for the laundry room, so I think I'm doing well on this goal so far.
- Plant a vegetable garden We've bought the seeds and the greenhouse to start them in. I've researched the planting schedule for our zone, and am now researching soil/compost, etc. We'll be starting the seeds at the end of April.
- Take a summer vacation in WI Luke took the time off of work, now we just have to plan the vacation!
- Get together with family more often We've been seeing the immediate family a lot lately, and I even had lunch with my grandparents this month. Now that Luke's Grandma is back from FL, we can see her too.
- Study other religions I checked out a book called the Illustrated Guide to World Religions. I've only read through Judaism so far, but it was very interesting.
- Get shoulders in shape (Luke) His shoulders have been improving little by little, he hasn't dislocated one in months (a record!) He was also able to swing a bat this month, which is huge progress.
Overall, I think we're doing really well with our goals this year. If you notice different goals from last month, that is because I only post the goals that we made progress with each month. Let's see how April goes!
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