If you've ever read The Chronicles of Narnia, you know that Mr. Tumnus says to Lucy, "Well Lucy, from the land of Spa'Oom (spare room), let's go have tea, shall we?" Back at our little apartment, we affectionately dubbed the half bedroom "spa'oom" and it stuck. Now, in our new house, our guest bedroom has appropriated the same title, seemingly of its own volition. We keep trying to refer to it as the "guest bedroom", but it's just not working. Anyways, here's a picture of the Spa'Ooom in its original "glory". Keep in mind that this is the former owner's decorative taste, not ours. :-)
The first thing we did was remove the grass green carpet, and right after that went the black wallpaper. It came off fairly easily, but the paste was still quite goopy. Although I am not a fan of white walls, it was such an improvement over the black paper!
We're going with, ironically, a black and white theme for this room and I'll update once we have some pics of the room with new paint and decorations. The good part is we'll be able to re-use the black blinds that the previous owners left us! Yay!
[…] little tricky. But – it’s great for storage! Let’s talk about the dresser first. Back in the day, this whole area was honey stained pine. I painted everything white except for the drawers which […]