We haven't had much going on, but we've been working hard to settle into the house, get ready for baby, and just enjoy our time together as a family again. This has entailed a lot of Craiglist shopping, some gallons of paint, and a certain happy guy with a chainsaw taking down about a dozen bushes in our front and back yards. So.Much.Better!
All of the bushes in this picture with the exception of one are now gone. And by gone, I mean that Lover cut them down and then we dragged them over to the other side of the yard where we will slowly cut them up and burn them in our fireplaces. About half of the bushes were dead, and the other half were so old and overgrown that it was better to just cut them down. We're big fans, especially in the back yard, of a big open grassy space where everyone can just play, so that's what we are working towards. That planter right in the front of the bushes is also on its way out.
Our front yard is also a hot mess. Maybe more so than the back. Because you and the neighbors and everyone that drives by see it every day, you know? Lover dug out the bushes that were just to the left of the steps, so you no longer get groped by their poky branches every time you enter the house. Again, they were overgrown and half dead, and then the movers broke one in half when they brought in our furniture. The little tree all the way to the left had pretty hot pink flowers when we moved in, so for now it's staying. We just trimmed it up quite a bit. The bush just to the right is gone now, along with the two big ugly bushes in front of the basement window. My thought is that we will make gardens everywhere you see mulch and then eventually get rid of the grassy area and at least one of the big trees and put in some more gardens and xeriscaping. One of the big trees belongs to the city, but it's dead so I put in a call to have it removed. We're debating on whether or not to take out the other tree. We decided to wait at least til the end of summer to see if we prefer it shading the house. :)
The kids have been having fun watching Daddy wield the chainsaw, and just generally being goofs. Peanut is really growing up, our trip was so good for her - it really pushed her out of her comfort zone (me and only me) and she's been a lot more independent lately. Javi had a blast with all his cousins in Rochester, and is never happier than when we are hanging out with lots of friends here.
We spent Saturday prepping and then painting all of the paneling and walls in the basement (above the orange paneling - that's staying for now). It was a long, tiring day, but it looks loads better now. And see how much light pours in those windows now without those dark bushes?
Primer lightened things up quite a bit, and then once we got the actual paint up - so much better! Now I'm working on curtains and decorations to pull it all together. It's getting there! No more pictures till we're closer to the finished product! :)
I'd say nesting is in full swing, although it's looking different in this house than with the other two. This time it's been about organizing, putting systems into place, unpacking those last few boxes, and settling in. Making sure we have all the necessary stuff for the baby, who should be here in about three weeks! I'm nervous and excited and anxious and patient all at the same time. :)
And these little goofballs make me laugh every day. They keep me on my toes and I can't wait till there's another one running around with them.
So that's what life is looking like these days. Hopefully this baby will make an appearance sooner rather than later! :)