My stateside brothers flew out to spend Thanksgiving with us. It was a fast and furious weekend filled with trips to the airport, many games of Catan, birthday celebrations and way, way too much food. We took my brother Jon, the hunter and animal lover to our favorite little hidden gem, the Arsenal Refuge, and saw some amazing bucks and got the closest we've ever been to the buffalo. Observe.
Jon's birthday was the 28th, and then Javi turned four on the 29th. Here is where I am supposed to go off on a sappy diatribe of "how has it been four years, and why is my little baby growing up?" Instead, I'll say that four years was a big milestone for me. Lover and I spent four years together kidless before we decided to take the leap of faith into parenthood, and with Javi turning four we've now spent as much time together as parents as we did as young marrieds. That milestone seems to have flipped a switch in my brain, and I am just feeling a lot more centered and calm about the whole parenthood thing.
He picked out the colors of his cake himself and was so excited to help make it and decorate it. When asked what he wanted for his birthday meal, he declared "Apples, cheeseburgers and Toritos." So that is what we had. It was delicious. :) He is very happy to finally be 4, and is already talking about his next birthday when he will turn 5. In his words, he's "almost 5."
It really was great to see Dan and Jon and be all together. (Ben, Eva and Steph, we missed you guys!) I'm really proud of the men that my brothers have become, even if they do seem to have quite the affinity for Under Armour. I'm sad they live so far away, but it's fun to go visit and have them fly in for special occasions!
These two have been into all sorts of shenanigans lately. There are pen marks all over my couch arms, unidentifiable substances on my windows, and everyone seems to have forgotten how to sleep at night. But - they are the best 4 yr old and 2 yr old a girl could ask for. They seem to have come out of a particularly rough patch in their relationship and are now even more best of friends. Peanut is old enough to really play together and the creative, imaginative games they come up with make me smile on a daily basis.
My little guy is all sorts of sweetness, even when he is not sleeping because of teeth. He just turned 5 months and he is just a delight to be around. Happy, giggly, loves to snuggle - this boy is a keeper. He loves his big brother Javi like no one else. Lover and I often ask ourselves why Javi seems to be everyone's favorite. Both Declan and Keilana love him to death. I guess that's what happens when you have an awesome older brother.
Christmas is only a few weeks away, but I'm still not feeling the Christmas spirit. To be clear, I'm not feeling the endless to do lists, holiday craziness and overwhelming decorating. I seem to still be stuck in Thanksgiving. I woke up Thanksgiving morning just overcome with the ways that God has blessed me. A husband who loves me unconditionally, three beautiful, healthy, growing children who love their mama, warmth and safety and all of my needs, and most of my wants. A God who loves me fiercely, gives me the strength to face each day, and is transforming me from the inside out.
The hustle and bustle of the season is just not working for me this year so instead I am taking it slow, meditating on the amazing changes that happened when Christ was born as a baby, and trying to teach my kids a little bit about that. We'll still set up our tree and open presents and all, but we're taking it really slow. Because the Earth waited four thousand years for its Messiah, so why can't I take a few extra days to contemplate His coming?
I'm not sure I'll be back to post again before Christmas, so if I'm not, Merry Christmas!
P.S. A few people have mentioned problems viewing the images in my posts lately. I tried something different today, so will you let me know if you're still having trouble seeing the pictures? Thanks!